Relationship Counselling

Katrina offers relationship counselling to couples of any relationship status, including – but not limited to – de facto, married, or remarried couples, or to stepfamilies. As you navigate through different life stages and transitions, it can also be helpful to receive counselling with significant others such as a parent, child, sibling or friend.

An important indicator of any relationship outcome is how you navigate differences and disappointment. It is critical to be able to communicate effectively when under pressure. Relationship counselling can offer you the space to address sensitivities and difficulties, and to build on your relationship strengths. Through the process of understanding how you got to this point in your relationship, you have the opportunity to make conscious and intentional decisions about how to lead a more fulfilling life together.

Separating Counselling

Separating is one of the most traumatic events that can occur in a lifetime. Grief and loss are felt by the couple, and by the children, and this process has deep affects on the family structure, living arrangements and friendships, along with a multitude of other areas.

Having support throughout this time can help to ease this difficult life transition period, and to help you to resolve issues from the relationship that can interfere with the creation of future intimate relationships. A lot can be learnt from a deep understanding of unhelpful past patterns, and this can help to avoid them being repeated. Please note, this is not a mediation service.

Pre-Marital Counselling


Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions that an individual can make. Individual differences and compatibility of personality and values can start to emerge after the initial stages of a relationship. PREPARE/ENRICH is a world leading relationship assessment and skills building program backed by research. Couples complete an online assessment individually, and their results are sent directly to Katrina. As an accredited facilitator, Katrina will then guide you through a program that is tailored to your individual relationship assessment.

The PREPARE/ENRICH program begins with an initial session with Katrina to gain background information about your relationship. The individual online assessments are then completed, and three follow-up sessions are conducted to take you through the program. A Workbook and copy of the assessment are provided at the conclusion of the program. The total cost of the program is $775.00 (inc. GST) per couple, and is inclusive of the online Couple Assessment fee.

LGBTQIA Counselling

Katrina welcomes all those who identify as being part of the LGBTQIA community, and is thrilled to offer her relationship counselling services to those couples and individuals. Katrina is proud registered member of Welcome Here and is dedicating to helping every relationship. Katrina is mindful of the implications of being a part of a minority group and provides a sensitive, safe environment to help couples through their relationship difficulties.

Individual Counselling

Relationships aren’t easy, and at times individuals need space to be able to talk openly about their relationship difficulties. If your partner or significant other is currently unwilling to participate in counselling, there are still some steps you can take to help the relationships.

Online Relationship Counselling

Katrina understands that busy schedules and geographic locations can make it hard for couples to attend sessions face-to-face. To take the stress out of attending the practise, Katrina offers all of her relationship counselling services online via Zoom. Katrina has successfully helped many couples via online counselling to deal with pressures relating to the present COVID-19 pandemic, and with other pressing relationship issues that no longer can be avoided.

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